Hello, today I'm going to talk about my faculty and how I can improve it.
Well, my faculty is called Medicina, but in here have eight careers, like Obstetrics, nursing, physical therapy, etc...So this faculty is huge, because needs an infrastructure suitable for the people that study and work in here.
When I was registered in the university, the secretary I told me that my faculty is one of the most old, so I imagined that my faculty will be archaic, but I commited a
mistake consistent with the progress of the century twenty-one, with this I mean that the university has many classrooms, computer labs , laboratory experiments,
restaurant , gym, etc...
and the infraestructure of this things is so good, because is suitable for people that are in university, for example, offers air conditioning in summer.
But I think that the university needs improve some things, like the computers of the library, they are the worst that I used in my life, because are slow, have virus and so many times haven't mouse or computer keyboard.
And the other thing that need improve is the restaurant because is being small for all the people having lunch there.
The first steps to dealing with this situation are: make a survey the opinions of the people using computers in the library and if the people agree with me ,then I write a letter to dean giving information on what happened with the computers.
If the dean aswer my letter and she agree with me, with respect to fix or replace the computers, it will be perfect, but I guess that I write a letter to dean , the anwer I got the answer two months later, because she must be busy.
The real benefits of fix or replace computers and make the restaurant bigger that now , it will be better for the people that who spend almost all day in the university.
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