Hello everybody, today I'm going to talk about the importance of make any sport.
I agree with this sentence because the sport is the one of the factors that leads you to having a healthy life style.
In my case, my family since I was a little child, signed me up in several schools of deports. So I practiced different sports during my childhood and in my adolescence, like swimming, volleyball.
When I was in secundary I practiced two sports that I loved : BMX and I was cheerleader, which are very fun and exciting, especially BMX because is a sport exposure to danger associated with danger, but when Iwas practiced this two deports I felt so good, happy and healthy.
I think that the impact of sport on a country's health is big , especially positive, because practice any sport is not just for fun, in countries like USA, where the obesity rate is high, they need to practiced sports to have a healthy life style, because the obesity prevents them from realizing your activities, but in this country, the sport doens't have a great impact, but in Chile, I think tha the impact is great!, because everyday in the television show commercial to promote in the people to practice any sport, and in general when I'm going to walk in the street, I see so many people practice several sports, like basketball, football, etc..
I encourage to do more sport in children, teenagers and adults of several ways, for example: I would offer free classes in schools of deports that they want, because in Chile, practice any sport it doesn't cheap, so this option is good for the people that don't have money, like too the people that don't have this problem.
I think that everyday the people that practice sport is more and more, and the people worry of doing it the best way.
With respect about if is there a genetic factor or is it social or training that make a sportsman or sportwoman of excellence? I think that the three points have some participation, but the training is the most important in my opinion, because when the people train is because they want to do...and as they say thereabouts WANT IS POWER! :D
KARIME:O you are a really sport girl! swimming and volleyball :O I only walk for take a bus jajja
take care
kisses bye :)