Hello my dear friends, today I'm going to talk about my hobbies.
I am a multifacetic person, I love make differents things , but my hobbies aren't so much.
Well,my hobbies are: swim, voluntary work in C.E.A.I.M. But defenitively my favourite hobbies is sing, because I sing since I had 7 years old, and I remember that one day I asked my mother if she can pay me a course in some singing school.
My mother accepted my request and I registered in the singing school of Miriam Hernandez and I left this school when I had fourteen years old, and take up again when I was in 3rd grade and I signed up in the festival voice in the school Colonial and I won the first price. Since this day I participate in differents festivals.
For this hobbie I need have a refined voice, be expressive and haven't afraid of public.
With respect my second hobbie, swim, I love practice it!, but since I am in the university, I don't have so much time for practice it, this is not good, because with him I to throw the stress, and I feel healthy.
I did start to practice it, when I was in first grade, because in my school was obligatory to practice any sport and I choosed swim and I succeeded, because I loved in the moment that I practice in the pool of my school.
For this hobbie I need good physical condition, free time, be responsible and above all want to practice it!.
And the last hobbie that I'm going to talk is that I have a voluntary work in C.E.A.I.M., this abbreviation means "Centro de apoyo integral a la mujer", and here I am a voluntary,I teach all fridays biology and chemistry of secundary to mrs between twenty and fourty years old. I did start in the 2005,for practice it I need have to patience, good disposition, knowledge about biology and chemistry.
I think that my hobbies have contribuited of possitive way in my personality, because helped me to be a expressive and sociable person and this makes that I get in touch with other people, because my three hobbies to practice with people of my age or in the case of my hobbie " voluntary work", I share with older people than me.
I liked the idea of talk about my hobbies.