Hello, today I'm going to talk about a review, about Sir Ken Robinson's
conference, which is entitled "Schools Kill Creativity", and well in
this conference Sir Robinson talks about the mistakes that we are
comitting in our traditional education system, because we are not
enhancing the real habilities of the students.
And well, first of all I must say that one of the highlights is the big
interest of this men in education, also this men, Sir Ken Robinson, is a
person who can catch the attention from the audience with clear words and
with a lot of jokes, his control over the things he says is really remarkable
and his standing in front of the audience is with authority about what the
topics he talk about.
One of the things that he mentioned and that I think that is true, is the fact of the schools don't develop the other kinds of habilities that students could have, because in the schools the main subjects are the ones related with numbers and literature, and the they don't work with artistic habilities like dancing or painting, etc... So this herairchy is what kills creativity on the students who
have other kind of skills.
The other topic to distinguish is the fact that little kids are not afraid to be wrong, but when they grow up, when they become adults, they acquire the afraid to be wrong, which don't let them to be creatives.
And finally, he says that our task is to educate the student's whole being, so they can face the future as integrals persons, the ones who can be the best in what they are really the best.
So that's it, Greetings!
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