My favourite page about my career is very complete about pregnancy , a healthy baby and also the diseases that can to develop, the mother or the baby.
Also provides information and steps to continuing for a healthy life when the woman this pregnant woman, wich is very good because in the daily life, they do not give a lot of information about his nourishment, suitable clothes to the pregnant women.
With respect to the nourishment, the page offer many advices as for example : the fat food like donnuts , chips, cookies and candies do not provide for the baby the sufficient thing that he needs to grow.
Something very important that offers the page is an information for the father of the baby, because he is a part of the whole process of the pregnancy and also of the delivery.
Thanks to this page I could choose the topic when the next class discoursed, the topic will be the porcine flu affecting the pregnancy.
Of this page extract necessary information and images for my slides .
The page I found it looking for information for my aunt who was pregnant and since then I enter almost all the weekends.
the address is http://www.nacersano.org/
Hi my friend!
I visted your web page and it´s so nice!
It´s very complete and it has many topics! I liked so much :D
See you my dear friend! Have a nice weekend ;)
hi karime!
i see your favourite page too, and it's very complete. i like it because it helps a lot to the pregnant woman. As well it's very kind.
I'll keep visiting.
hello my friend!
I did not know this website, I really think it is going to help us when we need to find information.
thanks :D
what's up??? karimeeee!
i'm finish my homework, like a responsable girl, do you seee =d
it's very nice your photo
care yourself!!!and relax time on time oK?
kisses for you!!!!